Attorney Action Club and San Francisco Lawyers Network joined together on Zoom to continue to provide MCLE credits and networking opportunities.

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Register for a meeting

We meet on Zoom every third Thursday for a half hour of networking and one hour of free MCLE’s.

3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Please email Maya Juergens-Ingle for a registration link:

Attorney Action Club

The Attorney Action Club is a network of San Francisco Bay Area lawyers who host topical discussions on Zoom about attorney work-life balance and law practice management.

This organization is hosted by Albert G. Stoll, Jr.

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san francisco lawyers network banner

San Francisco Lawyers Network

SFLN is a San Francisco-based attorney networking group whose purpose is to increase a lawyer's exposure to their legal community by establishing and maintaining relationships and expanding professional resources, thereby enhancing revenue opportunities.

This organization is hosted by Walter A. Haynes IV.


Make sure to never miss an event by registering for emails for future meetings! These emails go out prior to our events and include the Zoom registration link for each event.

Contact Us

For any questions, please contact Maya Juergens-Ingle.

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© 2023 Attorney Action Club and San Francisco Lawyers Network